Saturday, May 14, 2011

gig, gik, kik

"Gig, gik or kik"... anyway you would want to spell it. What is it exactly?? It is a weird Thai virus when someone who is more than a friend, but not exactly your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife. It's been around for ages, but the name gives it a "hipper" touch. So is it just a lover? A fling? The "other" person? The one you're cheating with? It pretty much can mean any of those things. There are many levels of "gig-gik-kik"ness. You can have gig-gik-kik even when you're single, but not wanting to commit. There is no specific word to describe it, but it is so common in Thailand that it's alarming. Let's just break it down to make it easier to understand.

Levels & Symptoms of having a GGK (gig-gik-kik):

  • Level 1: Harmless flirting with the usual phone calls, texting, MSN or BB (Blackberry Messenger).
  • Level 2: Movies, dinners, clubbing and "hanging out".
  • Level 3: Holding hands, hugging and probably some kissing.
  • Level 4: Everything from level 1-3 and beyond.
Maybe you can call it "friends with benefits". But when you're asked if you have a GGK make sure you explain your level and symptoms because honestly, Thai people still don't have a specific understanding of the word. Everything varies from person to person (which mutation you carry or would like to carry). All they know is if you have a GGK u are up for some fun without commitment (level of "fun" also varies). What happens when you're caught having a GGK? Well, as far as I've seen, most people get a little upset but it's not a deal breaker. They'd say "it's just a GGK, it'll go away soon. It's not permanent". Attached or unattached, just like the flu, seems like the GGK virus is here to stay. It's contagious and can highly mutate if you don't have a good dose of self control.

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