So it's that time again.
Let us highlight some of the most interesting and eye-catching election posters:
Here is the poster of Yingluck Shinawatra, dearest baby sister of fugitive ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra.
Chuwit Kamolvisit, former massage parlor tycoon/gangster/journalist and wife beater trumps both Yingluck AND Abhisit with his eye-catching, if somehow stressed-out looking posters:
This one says
"Just the mere thought of shaving my 'stache has me breaking into cold sweat"
This one says
"Friggin' Thai people don't know jack how to driiiive!!!!"
And my favorite:
"Once this girl's 18 years old, she's miiiiine! Don't even think about it, buster; FINDERS KEEPERS!"
Even sour grapes don't want to get left behind. The political party of the PAD (People Against Democracy), aware that they'll lose the election for sure (because that stunt they did at the airport sure pissed off a lot of people), decided they'll boycott the election.
But they want other people to boycott as well, by voting "NO" on the ballot. Conscious that nobody in the party is good-looking and/or fashionable enough, they've resorted to using animal posters instead (which somehow end up looking cuter than many of the other candidates):
"Don't let the animals into the Parliament!"
As a dog-lover, I take offense at PAD's insinuation that dogs are just like those sneaky, dirty, cheating politicians. Dogs are wonderful creatures. They're the only beings on this Earth capable of unconditional love. A dog doesn't give a rat's ass whether you're born into old money, or can use fancy-schmancy words in your speeches. Or use deodorant.
And what's this business of using buffaloes on the posters?
(in Thailand, a buffalo, called khwai, is supposedly a very dumb animal, thus it is an insult to call anyone khwai)
Call me biased, but these khwais certainly look more lovable than those yellow idiots who took over the airport.
And a monkey on the poster too?
Didn't they see that monkey in "Hangover 2"? That monkey's more well-trained than most of the people in the Parliament!
Well, I might be whining now, but once the election's over, I'm sure I'll be missin' 'em.
So for the sake of posterity, here's a slideshow of a compilation of the election posters:
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